This USB 2.0 compliant device includes 0 digital I/O pins and is availble in a 5x5 mm QFN28 package. The CP2102 USB to UART Bridge provides a complete plug and play interface solution that includes royalty-free drivers. CP2102 Driver for Mac OS X High Sierra - silabs Once installed it will show driver successfully. Just relax now the CP2102 drivers will start installing.and within few seconds completed screen will be displayed. Robert Walters Aug 27 '18 at 12:5 Once you run your application it will show you the welcome screen click Next on the screen. This was the only solution that worked for me. The Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to RS-232 Serial Driver for Apple Mac OS X is the reliable interface between your CP2102 based cable and your Mac Using 10.13.6 and after following the install instructions for the SiLabs CP210x driver for Mac, the installer says it was successful but I never received the System security pop up at all so there was nothing to accept. Could you tell me a way to fix it, please. Unfortunately this device is not present anymore with your latest drivers (version 5). Our software is using device that is created by this driver as /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART file. Hello, it look like update for the latest Mac OS X made driver version 4 incompatible.
CP2102 Driver for Mac OS X High Sierra | 07:55 AM Tomas Jedrzejek.